There's a list of things that have changed and will help you migrate:


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Will ActionScript 3 require me to rewrite my appsto 
use it?

> Comments below:
> Judah Frangipane wrote:
>> 1. A lot of things have change and moved in AS3. Will my flash app have to 
>> be converted to compile to AS3?
> Yes. You will have to do some migration. How much will depend on you content, 
> but you will have to do things like explicitly give 
> classes modifiers.
>> 2. Will there be some sort of way to have a V2 AS2 component run inside a 
>> AS3 app? Or will old functions be deprecated or 
>> completely removed?
> V2 components are written in AS2. In order for those to run within 
> ActionScript 3 content, they would need to be migrated.
> So, v2 components will not run within an AS3 app.
>> Is it safe to say that our apps will require major conversion to work with 
>> AS3? Or possibly written from the ground up?
> Again, it depends on your content. My guess is that you won't have to 
> re-write it from scratch, but you will have to migrate you 
> code. This falls into two areas:
> 1. syntax correction / changes
> 2. API changes (i.e. moved APIs, events no longer requiring proxies).
> My experience has been that I have had to update syntax modified, and change 
> my event handling code to no longer use event 
> proxies. I also have to import a couple of packages because some APIs moved.
> Hope that helps...
> mike chambers
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