Hello list,

Would it be possible to have a apache server return a gzipped version of xml (using the mod_deflate) and then uncompress the gzipped file in as3.

I guess that the BrowserMatch inside the httpd.conf would need to be set to a HTTP request comming from the flash player.

Would it possible for the flash player to mimick a call made directly from a browser? So that the apache returns an actuall gzipped version.

If it could be possible, how would this then be handled inside flash. I reckon the loader would need to load the file as a BINARY and then a gzip parser would deal with it?

I know AMF would work for what i want, or have the server preprocess the files into a .zip. But i was just wondering and curious.

As my questions probably reveal, i am not an expert in this area, so excuse me if my questions are really naive.


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