I'm trying to use v2 media components to make a player for an mp3 that has no background and is of a specified size and will respond to external events. I tried two things: a media playback component, and a media display plus associated media controller, but both have problems.

There is a sample of these here: http://flash-creations.com/dev/mp3play.html

The left side uses the media playback component. It works fine -- when you click the play button it starts playing and when you click the Pause button below (not part of the component), it pauses and displays the appropriate controls. But I *can't turn off the background and I can't fit it into the dotted line area*.

The right side uses media display and media controller. It looks fine, but it doesn't work right. Clicking play makes it start playing and clicking the Pause button below makes it pause but it *doesn't change the controller's controls to match*, even though the display and controller have been associated with the associateController method.

If anyone has an idea of how I can make the sample on the left fit into the area within the dotted line and have no background, or make the sample on the right behave correctly when an external Pause button is pressed (or any external event occurs), I'm all ears. Link to zip file (780k) is included on page above.


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