Hi list,

I am writing a new logger for actionscript 2 projects.
It's not completely done yet (say about 90%), but i have together a
preliminary set of sources and examples.

In short some of its nicest features (imo:)):
- automatic reflection, eg you use Logger.log ("here") and it prints
- wraps around standard traces/xray/luminicbox etc (can add your own tracer
- extensive filtering, eg package filtering (print only info from certain
classes), level filtering (print only higher than level ...), floodfiltering
(print a message only once every so often, for example to prevent
onEnterFrame messages from flooding the level), and composite filters (
ANDing or ORing all of the previous). Filters can be added easily
- complete serialization and deserialization of the logger, making it easy
to configure the complete logger through an XML file, changing the logger at
runtime without recompiling
- flash ide/flashdevelop (mtasc) compatible
- very extensible

Not all of its features are shown yet in the examples, and not all consumers
(only trace and xray at this time) and filters have been implemented at this
time, but they will be soon.

The download contains:
- a fla for Flash 8 ready to be run (fla contains documentation for
- all sources for the logger and examples

It would be greatly appreciated if some of you could test it and provide
your feedback.

As said please remember its only a kind of preview and the real first
release will contain more functionality, more documentation and more
If you do look at it, read through the docs on the first frame while running
the examples.

You can download it from:

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