Hi list...

I'm having trouble printing a movieclip with an attachBitmap call.  The
movieclip goes through the PrintJob fine, but there's no bitmapData
attached, only a square that's the color of the Flash movie's background
color.  When I debug, I can see that the bitmapData has params of
{height:-1, rectangle:-1, transparent:-1, width:-1} even though I can
see the bitmapData on the stage.  Any ideas?

- Michael M.

public function printThisSlide():Void {
        var pj = new PrintJob();
        var confirmPrint:Boolean = pj.start();
        if (confirmPrint) {
                var photoTemp:MovieClip =
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("photoTemp", 500);
                // below is passed legit bitmapData.  I can see it on
the stage if I comment out removeMovieClip afterwards
photoTemp.attachBitmap(_root.ui.printCache[String("slide" +
_root.ui.slideCurrent)], 1);
                // all I see is a colored square, not the bitmap
        delete pj;

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