
I have a very complex vector symbol on the Stage - background_mc .
I have set background_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true.
This turns background to bitmap and makes Stage repaint fast.

Every frame the background light changes.
I use the following code to alter the light.

(new Color(background_mc)).setTransform(light);

And here is the problem.
The code works very slow.
I guess because the light is applied to the contents of the background_mc.
And then a new cached bitmap is rasterized once again.

The same code over BitmapData of the same size works much faster!

Is there a way to tell Flash to apply color-transformation to the cached
bitmap, instead of underlying vector symbols?

Note, that background_mc is scaled when Stage is resized.
This is not so fast, but it's good, because the picture quality preserved.
If I convert background_mc to BitmapData, bitmap would be scaled.

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