<jmar...@gmail.com> writes:

> Dear All
> Some time ago, I stood up a Linux Mint VM on my windows box in which to run
> flent. Flent showed (of course) that I had the usual bloat.
> Since then, I have replaced my router with an Ubiquiti ER-4 so I could shape
> traffic with CAKE, getting unadulterated traffic from my VDSL modem  via IP
> passthrough.
> I have pre-CAKE flent data using this router. But I can't get data after
> starting CAKE.
> The issue is that I am getting "No valid Data" from flent.

Here's a hint:

Stdout: establish control: are you sure there is a netserver listening on at port 12865?

You didn't include the command-line you passed to Flent, so can't see
which hostname it's trying to run against; but are you sure there's a
valid server running there? :)

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