I am unable to (visually) see the error. Everytime I click on the
showAmount, I pretty much see the same line series. Am I missing
something here?

Evangelist, Adobe India

On Jul 29, 2:59 pm, Liang Ma <libra.mali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Folks:
> I am using Flex Line Chart to represent some dynamically changed
> information.Since the dataprovider for the LineChart changes from time to
> time and are not always with the same structures ,  i  need to create and
> update LineSeries at runtime.  After datasource updating, i need to analyze
> the new datasource and create new LineSeries for the chart. But i found that
> the LineSeries created before  will never be disposed. After running for a
> long time , it will cause serious  usability issue and lead to some error.
> Below is an simple  example representing what i said above.Could someone
> take a look at this and help me on how to dispose the unused LineSerie? Any
> feedback is of great help.
> To reproduce the issue :
> 1>Open the file in  Flex Builder or Eclipse with Flex Builder Plugin.
> 2>User Flex Profiler to check the app's memory usage
> 3>Click the "Show Amount" Button, num of "LineSeries" instance increases and
> the old series will never be disposed.
>  LineChart.mxml
> 3KViewDownload
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