I have a n server redhat on linux 7.1 and flexbackup 1.2.1/buffer 1.19-5
When I create and archive is ok and I can list this file, but when my archive is more 2GB, I can't list and extract.....
And my error is :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 14-2006]$ flexbackup -list data-archive_oracle.0.200604050300.tar.gz
flexbackup version 1.2.1 (http://flexbackup.sourceforge.net)
/etc/flexbackup.conf syntax OK
| Checking /bin/sh on this machine... bash2
| Logging output to "flexbackup.list.200604051123.log"
Error: file "data-archive_oracle.0.200604050300.tar.gz" or "/rack/data-archive_oracle.0.200604050300.tar.gz" not found
(like "-list file.tar.bz2")
Died at /usr/bin/flexbackup line 3776.
Please HELP ME
MAS Sébastien

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