Hi all,

I've been trying to sus this problem out, but can't find the cause. 
Hoping to have some light shed on it for me...  Please see below...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/mbuffer-20060126# flexbackup -test-tape-drive

flexbackup version 1.2.1 (http://flexbackup.sourceforge.net)
/etc/flexbackup.conf syntax OK

| Checking /bin/sh on this machine... bash1
| Testing will *erase* the tape currently in the drive!
| Hit CTRL-C to abort within 10 seconds...
| If for some reason this program does not exit within a few minutes,
| Hit CTRL-C, and try adjusting $blksize, $pad_blocks, or $mt_blksize.
| Rewinding & erasing tape...
| Creating index key 200602061215
At block 0.

Writing test file #1
37+1 records in
38+0 records out
At block 0.
Writing test file #2
2+1 records in
3+0 records out
At block 0.
Writing test file #3
37+1 records in
38+0 records out
At block 0.

Skipping index label...
At block 0.

Reading test file #1
38+1 records in
38+1 records out
At block 0.
Reading test file #2
38+1 records in
38+1 records out
At block 0.
Reading test file #3
38+1 records in
38+1 records out
At block 0.

Files /etc/flexbackup.conf and /tmp/test2.1269 differ

FAILURE! Problem with tape driver or parameters.  Please see the FAQ
or try changing the $blksize, $pad_blocks, or $mt_blksize settings.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/mbuffer-20060126# cat /etc/flexbackup.conf | grep -v '#'
$type = 'afio';
$set{'lampp'} = "/opt/lampp";
$set{'linux-src'} = "/usr/src/linux";
$prune{'/'} = "tmp proc";
$device = '/dev/ht0';
$blksize = '4';
$mt_blksize = $blksize * 1024;
$pad_blocks = 'true';
$staticfiles = 'false';
$atime_preserve = 'false';
$traverse_fs = 'false';
$exclude_expr[0] = '.*/[Cc]ache/.*';
$exclude_expr[1] = '.*~$';
$erase_tape_set_level_zero = 'true';
$erase_rewind_only = 'false';
$afio_nocompress_types = 'mp3 MP3 Z z gz gif zip ZIP lha jpeg jpg JPG
taz tgz deb rpm bz2 lzo';
$afio_echo_block = 'true';
$afio_compress_threshold = '3';
$afio_compress_cache_size = '2';
$tar_echo_record_num = 'false';
$cpio_format = 'newc';
$dump_length = '0';
$dump_use_dumpdates = 'false';
$star_fifo = 'true';
$star_acl = 'true';
$star_format = 'exustar';
$star_echo_block_num = 'false';
$pax_format = 'ustar';
$zip_nocompress_types = 'mp3 MP3 Z z gz gif zip ZIP lha jpeg jpg JPG
taz tgz deb rpm bz2 lzo';
$pkgdelta_archive_list = 'rootonly';
$pkgdelta_archive_unowned = 'true';
$pkgdelta_archive_changed = 'true';


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/mbuffer-20060126# mt -f /dev/ht0 status
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=0, block number=0, partition=0.
Tape block size 4096 bytes. Density code 0x0 (default).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (0):

(no more output from this command)


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
If you need any more information, let me know.

Thanks in advance!


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