I'm loading a swf into a SWFLoader (earth-shattering, I know). The swf 
document size itself is set 2800x960, but there is an additional element 
beneath this in the pasteboard (what was the flash 8 "workarea")  that 
is about 500px in length. I need to be able to pan down to this element. 
If make a call to set the y value of the SWFLoader to -500 (to pan 
downward) the area above it hovers above my flex components instead of 
going underneath.

I went  a step further and wrapped the swfLoader in a Canvas object. 
Setting the y value to -500 on the MXML object did just what I wanted 
to. I then began setting this dynamically, which produces the same 
results as before. I also tried to run validateDisplayList() hoping it 
would fix things but to no avail.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

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