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an idea
On Sep 7, 2011 4:21 PM, "valdhor" <> wrote:
> I have a project where I need to show the progress of a, well, project.
The project has seven specific stages that it must pass through.
> What I would like to do is have an animated arrow move from left to right
across the screen until it hits a target on the right side. At any time a
user can navigate to the page to see what stage the project is up to. I'd
like the user to see the arrow move to that point and stop.
> Unfortunately I am not a designer nor animator. I have looked at tweening
but that just seems to be able to move an object (like the arrow) from one
place to another but I would like the arrow to elongate as it moves (ie. The
head and tail stays the same but the shaft elongates).
> I have PNG images of the arrow and target and can break the arrow into a
head, a tail and a 1-pixel wide shaft.
> If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish it, examples/tutorials or
sites I can visit I would be most appreciative. (I have been googling all
day but can't find anything useful)

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