what are name and value to _propertiesList ? Is it elements or attributes?
If it is element then accessing is correct, there is some other problem.
If it is attribute then should access like this
pr...@name or pr...@value

To understand difference between element and attribute here is a example

*        public function callFunc():void{

            var total2:Number = 0;
            for each (var prop:XML in myXML.item)
                total2 += pr...@quantity * prop.price;



        public var myXML:XML =
                <item id='1' quantity='2'>
                <item id='2' quantity='2'>

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 4:57 PM, fatmanchan2009 <fatmanchan2...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> Hello
> Can anyone figure out this problem im currently having, and explain the
> reasons and cause of this proplem.
> I have an XML file of track data with a bunch of attributes
> <track>
> <item uniqueTrackId="1000000" albumId="12" trackId="1" genreId="13"
> artistId="6584">
> ...
> </track>
> i use this code to execute the filtering on the data, the name is artistId
> and the value is 6584, so the data should come back with all the artists
> with artistId 6584.
> var filterData : XMLList = _trackData.item;
> for each (var prop : Object in _propertiesList)
> {
> filterData = filterData.(attribute(prop.name) == prop.value);
> }
> but i keep getting this exception, when its applyin the filter, so within
> the for loop
> TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a function.
> So anyone that can figure what the problem is, would be a big help Thank
> You
> Stephen Chan

Preetham Hegde

If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.

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