try {
upFile.upload(request,"upFile");// upFile.upload(request,"logoFile");  
upFile is the name use in the jsp page

} catch (error:Error) {

//trace("Unable to upload file.");

azurs a écrit :

> hello
> to implement java upload you need a jsp page in your application directory
> view this exemple
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Upload.jsp
> <%@ page language="java"
> import="javazoom.upload.*,java.util.*,java.lang.*" %>
> <%@ page errorPage="ExceptionHandler.jsp" %>
> <jsp:useBean id="upBean" scope="page" class="javazoom.upload.UploadBean" >
> <jsp:setProperty name="upBean" property="folderstore"
> value="C:/fds2/jrun4/servers/default/samples/your_application/upload_directory"
> />
> </jsp:useBean>
> </jsp:useBean>
> <%
> if (MultipartFormDataRequest.isMultipartFormData(request))
> {
> MultipartFormDataRequest mrequest = new
> MultipartFormDataRequest(request);
> Hashtable files = mrequest.getFiles();
> if ( (files != null) && (!files.isEmpty()) )
> {
>, "upFile");
> }
> }
> %>
> you need also the bean include in the zip file, put it in
> C:\fds2\jrun4\servers\default\samples\WEB-INF\lib\
> <>
> in your flex application use this code MXML
> private var upFile:FileReference = new FileReference();
> private function fileBrowse():void{
> var imageFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Image Files
> (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png, *.pdf)", "*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png;
> *.pdf");
> upFile.browse(new Array(imageFilter));
> }
> private function selectHandler(event:Event):void {
> var request:URLRequest = new
> URLRequest("http://localhost:8700/samples/your_application/Upload.jsp 
> <http://localhost:8700/samples/your_application/Upload.jsp>")
> request.method=URLRequestMethod.POST;
> try {
> upFile.upload(request,"logoFile");
> } catch (error:Error) {
> //trace("Unable to upload file.");
> }
> }
> private function completeHandler(event:Event):void {
> //trace("uploaded");
> }
> taguemount nacer
> <>
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> a écrit :
> >I'm trying to implement the file upload using the FileReference class 
> and can't find an example of the JAVA code that would be required, 
> I've found .net and php but no java, does anyone have an example ?
> >
> >Cheers
> >Grant
> >
> >
> >

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