Hello again,

OK, I'm sending the style swf as an attachment to this post.  If it doesn't 
work, I will email directly to you Alex (thank you very much for your 

Alex, to answer your question about the location of the style swf:  The style 
SWF is local to my machine and lives in a subdirectory of the project.  

I named the flex project testRuntimeCss and the project files are in:
  ~/Documents/Flex Builder 3/testRuntimeCss/
The main MXML file is in the default location (src/) and the style CSS and SWF 
files are both in assets/.

Let me also point out that in order to minimize the potential for user-error on 
my part, I have re-done my test runtime css Flex Project so that it follows the 
Adobe example at:

I copied/pasted their example simple CSS into a file called BasicStyles.css 
which lives in the assets/ folder of my project.  For completeness, here is the 
content of the CSS file, copied directly from the Adobe help page listed above.

/* styles/runtime/assets/BasicStyles.css */
Button {
    fontSize:    24;
    color: #FF9933;

Label {
    fontSize:    24;
    color: #FF9933;

I then compiled the CSS file into a SWF with:
 > mxmlc BasicStyle.css

The resulting swf, BasicStyle.swf, is attached.

By the way, I am using the mxmlc app from SDK 3.0.0 (on Mac Leopard)
 > which mxmlc
/Applications/Adobe Flex Builder 3/sdks/3.0.0/bin/mxmlc

Another thing to point out is that I have done this both with "Compile CSS to 
SWF" option for the BasicStyle.css file on and off.  Both approaches give the 
same result (runtime error -- described below).

I then copied/pasted the MXML content from the Adobe help page into my main 
MXML file.  Again, for completeness, here is the MXML that I used:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- styles/BasicApp.mxml -->
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";>
        import mx.styles.StyleManager;
        public function applyRuntimeStyleSheet():void {
    <mx:Label text="Click the button to load a new CSS-based SWF file"/>
    <mx:Button id="b1" label="Click Me" click="applyRuntimeStyleSheet()"/>

When I debug in FB3, the application SWF successfully loads in my web browser. 
But when I click on the button labeled "Click Me", the application crashes.  
The error I get is:

  Error: Unable to load style(SWF is not a loadable module):

Just before that error, I get the following trace which suggests that the SWF 
style file was, indeed found.

 [SWF] Users:jbattat:Documents:Flex Builder  
3:testRuntimeCss:assets:BasicStyles.swf - 34,571 bytes after decompression

Please let me know if you find a problem with the attached swf. 

-- j


Attachment: BasicStyles.swf
Description: application/shockwave-flash

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