I'm new to flex and having trouble with an event listener.  I'm
building a video player that zooms in/out based on mouse wheel events.
 Everything works well if I move the mouse wheel slowly.  However, if
I spin it real fast, all bets are off.  It seem similar to a problem I
have had with embedded systems, in which an interrupt service routine,
much like a event listener, takes longer to run than the time it takes
to get the trigger to run the interrupt service routine again.  I have
not been able to prove that this is the case as the behavior is
sporadic and it's manifestations are unpredictable. 

In an attempt to fix the problem I have tried two things.
1) the first line of the event listener removes the event listener and
the last line adds it back.

2) The first thing the event listener does is check for a global
variable flag, if its set don't so anything.  If not set the flag, and
unset at the end of the listener.

Neither of these solutions helped, which leads me to believe my
analogy is incorrect.  If someone could shed some light on this
subject for me I'd be grateful.

thank you,

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