Well you can not get height 100% as height 
is explicitly calculated by number of rows and 
rowheight so if you have just single row then set the rowheight = this.height 
and if you have multiple rows calculate the row height from dataproveider 
length and application height say if you have 7 rows then your row hight will 
be this.height/7


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Rodney Smith <rodney...@...> wrote:
> I'm struggling to get items in a HorizontalList to be full height (as in
> height="100%", which is not honored by the HorizontalList container). I'm
> using an external itemRenderer based on VBox, but can't get the items to be
> the fill the height of the HorizontalList. If the HorizontalList is set to
> height="100%", how do I get the items in the list to also be 100% height?
> Here's my simple code, with borders:
> SampleHList.mxml:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>     layout="absolute">
>     <mx:HorizontalList columnCount="3"
>         itemRenderer="components.SampleView"
>         height="100%"
>         width="100%"
>         borderStyle="solid"
>         >
>         <mx:ArrayCollection>
>          <mx:Object category="Topic 1"/>
>          <mx:Object category="Topic 2"/>
>          <mx:Object category="Topic 3"/>
>          <mx:Object category="Topic 4"/>
>        </mx:ArrayCollection>
>      </mx:HorizontalList>
> </mx:Application>
> And the contents of "components/SampleView.mxml":
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>     borderStyle="solid"
>     borderColor="red"
>     height="100%">
>     <mx:Label text="{data.category}"/>
>     <mx:Spacer height="100%"/>
>     <mx:Label text="end of topic"/>
> </mx:VBox>

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