[flexcoders] Simple Panel Resizer

2006-08-09 Thread tr.coffey
This works ok but performs terribly. I just can't get the panel update fast enough to follow the mouse. Any help? ?xml version=1.0? mx:Application initialize=setListeners(); frameRate=36 xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; width=100% height=100% mx:Script ![CDATA[

[flexcoders] Resize width and heights at different rates

2006-08-04 Thread tr.coffey
Hi, I'm trying to resize the width and height of a panel using differnt duration within a Transition but this does not work. Instead the Resizes are happening in sequence twice. mx:Parallel target={myPanel} mx:Resize id=one widthFrom=300 widthTo=580 duration=500 / mx:Resize id=two

[flexcoders] Flex code review with Adobe Consulting

2006-04-20 Thread tr.coffey
Recent posts have circulated in this forum regarding a Flex code review with Adobe Consulting. I was present at that review and feel that the Adobe attendees were unfairly represented. Forging new relationships can be difficult, even under the best circumstances, but particularly via a