After experimenting I found the solution was to change the event trigger from 
"initialize" to "render".

Happy to have resolved the problem but still puzzled why "initialize" worked 
one itemRenderer and not the other since from all appearances the 
implementations are identical ???

pdflibpilot wrote:
> I am so happy I was able to create an itemRenderer with an initialize
> event that dynamically set the style for each item based on the source
> data. This worked flawlessly for one HorizontalList ( List A) so I
> tried to implement the same on a TileList (List B) on the same layout.
> They have virtually the same dataProvider - List B items are
> originally drag/dropped to List A.
> These list are nearly identical in every way yet when the event fires
> for the itemRenderer in List B it fails with "null object" error. It
> seems that the data is not available when the event dispatches.  I am
> at a loss as to why it works for one list and not the other. The data
> used by the event is not null when it renders since all the items
> (data) are accounted for.
> here my itemRenderer code that works - 
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <!-- itemRenderers\navScreenRender.mxml -->
> <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""; 
>       width="200" 
>       height="200"
>       horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
>       verticalScrollPolicy="off"
>       borderStyle="solid" backgroundImage="assets/images/{data.imageID}"
> alpha="1.0" backgroundAlpha="1.0" borderColor="#333333">
> <mx:Script>
> <![CDATA[
> private function setContentButton(event:Event,V):void{
>               var e = event.currentTarget
>               if(V==''){
>                       e.styleName = 'customcontentbuttonOff'
>                       e.alpha = 1.0
>                       e.toolTip = "Content Editor is not enabled for this 
> screen - click
> to complete the setup"
>                       }
>                       else if(V!="(preset)"){
>                               e.styleName = 'customcontentbuttonOn'
>                               e.alpha = 1.0
>                               e.toolTip = "Content Editor is enabled for this 
> screen - click to
> change the setup"
>                       }
>                       else if(V=="(preset)"){
>                               e.alpha = 0.0
>                       }
>               }
>               ]]>
> </mx:Script>
>       <mx:Text id="layoutLabel" text = "{data.label}"
>                               fontSize="8"
>                               color="#ffffff"
>                               textAlign="center"
>                               letterSpacing="0"
>                                horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="-38"/>
>       <mx:Image   source = "assets/images/{data.imageID}" 
>                               toolTip="{data.description}"
>                               scaleContent="false" alpha="1" 
>                                visible="false"/>
>       <mx:Button label="{data.displaySeq-0+1}" width="25" height="20"
> cornerRadius="12" styleName="adminbutton" fontWeight="bold"
> fontSize="9" verticalCenter="20" horizontalCenter="0"/>
>       <mx:Button id="contentButton"
> initialize="{setContentButton(event,data.contentLocation)}" 
>                               label="C" width="18" height="18" 
>                               cornerRadius="12" 
>                               styleName="customcontentbuttonOff" 
>                               fontWeight="bold" fontSize="10" 
>                               verticalCenter="-1" horizontalCenter="0" 
>                               alpha="1.0"/>
>   </mx:Canvas>

Ben Marchbanks

::: alQemy ::: transforming information into intelligence

::: magazooms ::: digital magazines

Greenville, SC

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