1. Extended mx.core.UIComponent lately?

2. Dispatching DOM Events before 10AM?

3. You want a new <mx:Form> Class.

4. You are dying to know what these do?
[Style(name="horizontalGap", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")]

5. You have checked Quietly Scheming for new components.

6. How do I use mx_internal?

7. Writing protocols in flash.net.Socket?

8. You skinned something today.

9. Cairngorm is no longer a challenge.

10. I want to write commercial quality components.


Post message: flexcomponents@yahoogroups.com
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Seriously, if you have thought about writing components and extending the
Flex Framework, come join in. We need more great components, join the list
and learn a ton.


Ted Patrick
Flex Evangelist
Adobe Systems

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