Looking for a pointer to some advice about a few SQLite issues. 

Is it generally best practice to keep a connection open and keep reusing 
it (perhaps stashing it in the ModelLocator) or is it better to recreate 
a connection each time you need to do a SQL operation?

Also, I have read some about why to use sync vs async connections to 
SQLite, but not much about using both sync and async in different parts 
of an AIR application.  I've found that keeping a sync connection open 
and stashed in a ModelLocator locks the db so that I can't make async 
connections.  Since SQLite is a file based DB, this is not surprising at 
all, but it does definitely call into question my initial effort at 
keeping a connection open and just reusing it all over the place.

Anyone have any advice or any good blog postings about this subject?  
Specifically about when best to make and destroy connections.



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