I am new to Flex and I am having a problem with maintaining a VAR.

Can someone point me to a code sample for a handler that maintains a VAR based 
on the on change of a checkbox? I think I understand how to add to a VAR but I 
can't find an example of removing from a VAR.

Use Case: I have a datagrid with three columns where the first column is a 
checkbox named "Selected", the second column named "Display Value" and the last 
named "Data Value". When a user checks the checkbox I need to add the value of 
the other two row cells to their respective VARS (var dsplValue for "Display 
Value" and var dataValue for "Data Value"). Conversely, when a user unselects a 
checkbox I need to remove the respective values in the two VARs.

Data Examples:

"Display Value" = Orlando
"dispValue" = "Atlanta", "New York"
"Data Value" = 004
"dataValue" = '001', '002', '003'

Best regards,

Frank G.

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