Hi list,

        i'm currently fighting with AdvancedDataGrid and Lazy Loading :-(
When opening a node, sometimes it works, somtime i'm stuck with partial data rendering, it depends of the server response delay. Dispacthing CollectionEvent.RESET, sometimes solve the trouble, but is far from an optmized solution.

Reading Alex article (http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui/2008/12/ tree_and_lazy_or_paged_data_1.html ) and source of HierarchicalCollectionView, I'm thinking about replacing AdvancedDataGrid with a Tree and many more simple DataGrid to show and edit, opened items.
        What is the best way to handle ItemPendingError properly in ADG ?
Subclass HierarchicalCollectionView to handle IetmPendingError ? ( the task isn't not clear im my mind, and not so easy to evaluate ...)
         Any suggestion, any experience are wellcome ...

   Thanks in advance ( datagrid :-)  //////  :-( )

IBCM : International Bank of Chatenay-Malabry http://www.kiva.org/ lender/stephane4127 - Click on Map View

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