Hi everyone,

I've got a column chart that displays values for each day for say a
month. When I click on a particular bar, I want to fade out all the
days except those matching the one clicked, e.g. if I clicked on a bar
and that bar represented a Monday, I want to fade out all bars except
if they are for a Monday as well (hence there would likely be four
bars left in a month's worth of data).

I can get all that working, by changing the alpha value on the
ColumnSeriesItem.fill.alpha or ChartItem.itemRenderer.alpha.

Problem is, I want a fade effect doing it so it fades out, rather than
just immediately change. None of the mx.effects work on chart items
(chart items are not UIComponents), and the mx.charts.effects effects
only operate on an entire series and not individual ChartItems (and
there isn't one for fading anyway).

Has/does anyone know how to do something like this, or better yet, got
an example? I tried looking at the source, but it's all focused
towards effects for entire series, not individual ChartItems.



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