
We're currently using the comp to implement a js-based RTE within our
flex app to get correct formated html back to our database.

The app traverses through a data source and creates elements for
different types of data (like textinput and so on) and finally adds them
to a list element, acting as a conatiner (we need to use a list because
of dragndrop capability). Everything's fine so far.

But when the rte element gets placed and the list gets longer then its
initial height, it seems like the rte (to be precisely: the HTML Comp)
kills the vertical scroll ability of the list element. Flex claims, the
list has no vertical scrollbar... (??)

w/o the html comp placed everything works fine with scrolling the list.

Here's an example code as a testcase:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
layout="absolute" xmlns:fc="com.flexcapacitor.controls.*">
             import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
             public var dp:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([


     <mx:List x="53" y="37" dataProvider="{dp}" verticalScrollPolicy="on"
height="500" width="600">
             <fc:HTML  elementType="editor"
                 borderStyle="solid" borderThickness="4"
                 top="180" bottom="20" right="20" left="20"
                 editorPath="fckeditor/" width="400" height="500">
                     <![CDATA[<h1>Lorem ipsum dolor</h1>
                     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing


Note: you need the HTMLComponent to use this example.

Ideas, anyone? Any help is much appreciated.


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