I have one ArrayCollection that holds all of the data I've retrieved
from my (RemoteObject) data service, and I need to display it in 2 UI
components, but with different filter conditions at the same time
(e.g., imagine an ArrayCollection of SnackItems, where one DataGrid is
showing you the CandyBars, and the other is showing you the FruitCups
at the same time).

I know I can accomplish this by creating a separate ArrayCollection
for each UI component, and assigning them different filter functions -
but is this best practice?  It seems like I should be able to avoid
copying my data in order to view it in different ways simultaneously.
 Could this involve creating multiple ViewCursors on the same
ArrayCollection?  Or am I overestimating the (performance/memory) cost
of creating multiple ArrayCollections of the same source data?

Thanks for any suggestions!

-Peter Demling
 Lexington, MA

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