Hi All,

 I am facing an issue of scrollbar in my barchart. If the data grows to
bigger size, the width of the bar starts decreasing. I intend to fix width
of bars and if data grows, scrollbar should appear so that data is readable.
Please let me know how can I do this?

My code:

<mx:VBox id="vbDateGraph" width="600" height="300" horizontalAlign="left"

                <mx:BarChart id="barDate" width="90%" horizontalAxisRatio=""
                    paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5"
                    showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{books}"
maxHeight="300" maxBarWidth="10">
                        <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="showId"
labelFunction="createLabel" dataProvider="{books}"/>
                        <mx:BarSeries xField="price"/>


Vaibhav Chauhan

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