I have been playing with flex a bit lately, doing the tutorials, some 
web examples from the blogs (ty all ;p )

I decided to try to rebuild a basic web page that currently lists all 
the scripts I created for After Effects in Flex2B3.

What I am stuck on is trying to have an accordion navigator change the 
content in a specific canvas. I currently have setup states to do this. 
Thinking that I would be able to setup a function that would test the 
accordions selected id vs a list of states and change accordingly I 
setup the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute">
                <mx:State name="BackBurnerSubmitUI">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="Backburner page 
                <mx:State name="BackupProject">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
page text"/>
                <mx:State name="Calc">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="Calc page text"/>
                <mx:State name="DefaultFolders">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="Default Folders 
page text"/>
                <mx:State name="DropFootageTime0">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="DropFootage page 
                <mx:State name="FilmCalc">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="Filmcalc page text"/>
                <mx:State name="FontCollector">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="Font collector 
page text"/>
                <mx:State name="GoWarpStatic">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="Gowarp page text"/>
                <mx:State name="Gspot">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="Gspot page text"/>
                <mx:State name="ImportExportLayouts">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="Layouts page text"/>
                <mx:State name="ImportExportMRU">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" value="MRU 
page text"/>
                <mx:State name="MusterBatchUI">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="Musterbatch page 
                <mx:State name="MusterSubmitUI">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="Mustersubmit page 
                <mx:State name="RenderAndShutdown">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
page text"/>
                <mx:State name="SamplerSizerRadio">
                        <mx:SetProperty target="{text1}" name="text" 
value="Samplersizer page 

             // Import the class that defines the event object.
             import mx.events.IndexChangedEvent;
                        // set the function
             private function 
ScriptsAccChange(event:IndexChangedEvent):void {
                        // set the state to fit the accordion index
                                if(event.newIndex == 

        <mx:Accordion x="10" y="55" width="240" resizeToContent="true" 
id="ScriptsAccordion" change="ScriptsAccChange(event)">
                <mx:Canvas label="Main Page" width="100%" height="0" 
                <mx:Canvas label="Backburner Submit UI" width="100%" 
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10" text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="20" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="36" text="18, 7, 2004"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="36" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Backup Project" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="17, 7, 2004"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="35" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="50" text="1.2"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="50" text="28, 1, 2006"/>
                        <mx:Label x="166" y="50" text="AE 7"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Calc" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="18, 7, 2004"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="35" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="50" text="2.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="70" y="50" text="6, 9, 2006"/>
                        <mx:Label x="150" y="50" text="Mac UI Fix"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Default Folders" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.8"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="18, 7, 2004"/>
                        <mx:Label x="145" y="35" text="AE 7,Mac Fix"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Drop Footage Time 0" width="100%" 
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="20, 6, 2004"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="35" text="AE 6.5 only"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="FilmCalc" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="17, 8, 2004"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="35" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Font Collector" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="10, 6, 2005"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="35" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Go Warp Static" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="21, 6, 2004"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="35" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Gspot" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="21, 6, 2004"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="35" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="50" text="2.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="50" text="23, 1, 2006"/>
                        <mx:Label x="145" y="50" text="AE 7,Mac Fix"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Import/Export Layouts" width="100%" 
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="xx, x, 2006"/>
                        <mx:Label x="162" y="35" text="AE 7"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Import/Export MRU" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="xx, x, 2006"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="35" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Muster Batch UI" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="xx, x, 2006"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="35" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Muster Submit UI" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="xx, x, 2006"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="35" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Render and Shutdown" width="100%" 
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="25, 11, 2004"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="35" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="50" text="2.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="50" text="20, 1, 2005"/>
                        <mx:Label x="145" y="50" text="AE 7,Mac Fix"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>
                <mx:Canvas label="Sampler Sizer Radio" width="100%" 
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Version"/>
                        <mx:Label x="85" y="10  " text="Date"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="10" text="Description"/>
                        <mx:Label x="23" y="35" text="1.0"/>
                        <mx:Label x="64" y="35" text="21, 6, 2004"/>
                        <mx:Label x="156" y="35" text="AE 6.5 +"/>
                        <mx:HRule x="10" y="10" width="220" height="36"/>


        <mx:Canvas x="258" y="10" width="756" height="40" label="Header" 
                <mx:Text x="32" y="0" text="These are some scripts I created to 
Adobe's Extendscript. They have all been tested but use at your own 
risk." width="654" height="20"/>

<mx:Text width="700" y="10" x="10">
  Usage is free, but if you wish to give something back, please <a 
color="#008800">donate to a reputable animal advocacy group</a></font> 
in your area.

        <mx:Canvas x="258" y="58" width="756" height="607" id="MainStage" 
                <mx:Text x="10" y="10" text="main page text" width="218" 

If you click on the BackBurner Submit UI accordion header, you get the 
actionscript error dialog stating that it has an ArguementError: 
Undefined state "BackBurnerSubmitUI"

So I guess the big question I have is: how do you make sure states are 
included in the scope of the function?

Second question: If you click on the Main accordion header you will see 
it opens a whitespace even tho the height field is set to 0. I assume 
this is because of the resizeToContent="true" flag, but I cannot find 
any way to adjust the whitespace numbers.

tia and I am glad to find this list resource, In the future I hope to be 
able to leverage Flex with the other adobe suite apps using bridgetalk 
or ajax.

LeapFrog Productions

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