I've just run across an odd behavior within Flex 3 and certain compiler
directives, as follows:

        Compiler options includes a -load-config+= directive. This
directive ensures the compiler to includes a certain list of classes,
via <includes append="true"><symbol>classpath</symbol></includes>
        In a subdirectory of the src root (in an locales directory) we
have a series of .css files that are compiled externally for
localization. In testing them, I attempted to right-click and select
"Compile CSS to SWF", and this worked fine.
        Now I attempted to compile main.mxml, which is sitting at the
actual project src root. This threw an error that it could not find the
list of classes found in step 1 (Unable to resolve a class for include:
blah blah blah).
        Doing some digging, I found the following items added to
.actionScriptProperties, whose removal fixed the issue.
            <buildCSSFileEntry destPath="somepath"

It seems to me that once you right-click a CSS file, it is flagged as a
file to compile rather than include as seen above, and when one does a
project compile it helpfully builds it for you... except that the src
root for when the .css file is compiled this second time (automatically)
is not the src root of the entire project, but rather the folder in
which the .css file itself resides (or some other value).
Now, in my case I shouldn't be compiling those classes into every local
css file anyway, so I've written an ant script to automate the entire
process. Even so it seems like the CSS files that are compiled should be
accessible somehow in the project configuration (perhaps under Flex
Applications) and that their src root be kept in line with everything

Michael Krotscheck

Senior Developer



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