Hi, I just need to show a Help page on demand, so I implemented it 
via states. When the user clicks the Help button the help pane comes 
up. Somehow the help pane is not taking the correct size and 
displays acorss the screen. I tried a lot to set the width, but the 
first time it keeps going to this default size. Once I resize it 
once then it always comes up correctly. I tried to have the help 
pane by default (and remove it later) as well as add it on demand, 
but no avail. Any idea what i can do to correct this?

I tried to set the width in both places, but no avail.

<mx:HDividedBox id="mainBox"  width="100%" height="100%">
    <mx:VDividedBox ...          
    <help:Help id="helpOptions" width="200"/>

My help page is a simple component like
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; .... width="200"
  <mx:TextArea height="100%" htmlText="{HelpHelper.getInstance
        width="100%" editable="false"/>

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