Hi All

I'm trying to create a datagrid which will resize vertically to ensure
all  the renderers are displayed in full. Additionally,

    * Renderers are of variable height
    * Renderers can resize themselves

Generally speaking, the flow of events is as follows :

    * One of the item renderers resizes itself (normally in response to a
user    click etc)
    * It dispatches a bubbling event which the parent datagrid picks up
    * The DataGrid attempts to resize to ensure that all renderers remain
visible in full.

I'm currently using this code within the datagrid to calculate the 
height = measureHeightOfItems(0, dataProvider.length ) + headerHeight;

This appears to get an incorrect height. I've tried a number of
variations  including callLater ( to ensure the resize has completed so
measure can work  correctly), and overriding meausre() and calling
invalidateSize() /  validateSize(), but neither works.

Below are 3 classes which will illustrate the problem. Clicking the
button in  the item renderers resizes the renderer. The grid should also
expand so that all  of the 3 renderers are shown in their entirety.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



DataGridProblem.mxml (Application file)
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
     <mx:ArrayCollection id="dataProvider">
         <mx:String>Item A</mx:String>
         <mx:String>Item B</mx:String>
         <mx:String>Item C</mx:String>
         dataProvider="{ dataProvider }"
                 <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="text" />
                 <mx:DataGridColumn itemRenderer="view.RendererButton" />

package view
     import flash.events.Event;

     import mx.controls.DataGrid;
     import mx.core.ScrollPolicy;

     public class TestDataGrid extends DataGrid
         public function TestDataGrid()
                 this.verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
                 this.variableRowHeight = true;
                 this.addEventListener( RendererButton.RENDERER_RESIZE ,
onRendererResize );
         private function onRendererResize( event : Event ) : void
         private function resizeDatagrid():void
                 height = measureHeightOfItems(0, dataProvider.length ) +

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";>
     <mx:Button width="50" height="50"
         click="onClick()" />


                 public static const RENDERER_RESIZE : String =
                 private function onClick() : void
                         this.height += 20;
                         dispatchEvent( new Event( RENDERER_RESIZE , true
) );

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