
We have an app built with LCDS that must use SSL. Until now it works
properly through HTTP, but as I switch to SSL there's no communication with
the server

In services-config we have the following channel definition (AMF comet
polling ):

<channel-definition id="my-secure-client-polling-amf" class="
                <!--HTTPS requests on some browsers do not work when pragma
"no-cache" are set-->

then in default-channels:

            <channel ref="my-secure-flexarq-polling-amf"/>

Again in remoting and datamanagment config files:

        <channel ref="my-secure-flexarq-polling-amf"/>

So, someone could tell me if I need something more to configure to go
through SSL?

Note: (I create my .keystore and configure the https and port in my tomcat
server so I assume all this stuff is ok. as I enter through https I must to
validate the certificate. The problem starts as I try to poll data from my
flex client interface)

Thanks in advance


::| Carlos Rovira
::| http://www.carlosrovira.com
::| http://www.madeinflex.com

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