
I've run into an issue with deep linking in my application.  I've
implemented deep linking in such a way that I provide links in a navbar on
the left-hand-side of the page.  Those links always link directly to a
particular "view" in the Flex application.  They never link to the Flex
application without specifying a view and that's causing the problem.

This works well in all situations but one.  The first deep link into the app
(no matter which one you pick) works when you initially link into the app.
All the other links work as you navigate through the app.  However, the
first link no longer works after the initial click into the Flex app.

I've kept the implementation of this very simple for now.  I modeled it
after this example:


In order to illustrate the problem I modified their example by adding deep
links on the page that correspond to the two tabs shown in the example.  To
see the problem, navigate directly to the following link in a *new browser
window* to go to the "Shipping" view:

Then click on the "Receiving" link followed by the "Shipping" link.  In this
scenario the "Shipping" link works, but the "Receiving" link does not.  *This
only happens in Internet Explorer (I'm using IE 7).*  Firefox works fine.

I'm considering changing the implementation to use URLKit, but would prefer
to fix this one remaining issue for my first release.

Clint Combs
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