Can anyone please explain how my app can be causing this error.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at mx.managers::DragManager$/get isDragging()[C:\dev\flex_201_gmc\sdk \frameworks\mx\managers\] at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/ mx.controls.listClasses:ListBase::dragScroll()[C:\dev\flex_201_gmc\sdk \frameworks\mx\controls\listClasses\]
        at Function/
        at ()
at flash.utils::SetIntervalTimer/ flash.utils:SetIntervalTimer::onTimer()
        at flash.utils::Timer/flash.utils:Timer::_timerDispatch()
        at flash.utils::Timer/flash.utils:Timer::tick()

It occurs when i click on a tree control.
I have been unable to reproduce error this in any other test application and i'm about to go postal.

Funny thing about the error message is,
at mx.managers::DragManager$/get isDragging()[C:\dev\flex_201_gmc\sdk \frameworks\mx\managers\]
I'm on a mac, i dont have c:\dev\, perhaps a developers note.



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