Good Evening

First, I apologize for my bad english.

Could you help me about this error?

I have a problem with this configuration below: (in DataManagement.xml)

<destination id="dm.category">
 <adapter ref="dotnet-dao" />
<identity property="code"/>
<many-to-one property="priority" destination="dm.priority" />
  <one-to-many property="products" destination="dm.product" />
<paging enabled="false" pageSize="10" />

The log of error:

Error: Caught error accessing property 'products' on item with id
'dm.category:::11' and type ''.
See debug log for details.

This fault occurs with the relationship <one-to-many
property="products" destination="dm.product" />, I beliave.

What I have to check in this case? How I can resolve this problem?

Are there any good resource about lcds and .net?

Thanks you in advance,

Best regards.-Bruno Moura

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