When serving a modular app on a server using SSL, I've run into a some serious 
issues in IE regarding caching and not caching the SWFs.

The initial problem was handled based on a little article from Adobe that says 
to allow caching despite being SSL.  This actually did make it so that the app 
pulled up in IE.  However the next problem seems a bit more difficult.

There is a parameter that I pass in the URL that is the record that I want to 
pull up.  The first time I load the app, it works great, takes the parameter 
and loads exactly as expected.  However I change the ID passed (the paraemter) 
and now all of a sudden IE barfs on trying to load the module (I assume).  The 
symptoms, as evidenced by the access logs of Tomcat, is that it loads the shell 
app fine, gets some lookups, but then stops loading once it tries to load 
another SWF.

Clearing the cache before trying the second ID works totally fine, however this 
isn't what I want to tell my users to do :)

Anyone run into this or have any ideas? I'm kinda banging my head against a 
while on this and have some urgent deadlines...


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