My Flex3 app executes Axis2 web services using HTTPService and 
displays the results in Charts and AdvancedDataGrids.  The 
application works on Player  

On version
1.  The AdvancedDataGrids display only a single row of data although 
hundreds of rows were retrieved from the web service.
2.  Following data retrieval, the AdvancedDataGrids do not respond 
to actions for sorting columns or moving columns.
3.  Tabnavigator controls do not respond to events for changing the 
active tab.
4.  Viewstack controls with LinkBars do not respond to mouse clicks 
on the links.
5.  The Chart data is retrieved and displayed correctly.

After rolling back to, everything works correctly.  If I 
roll forward to the current version, it will stop working.  My Flex2 
applications (with the same functionality, but using standard 
DataGrid) work correctly on either Flash Player version.

I have read all the notices and release notes about the new Flash 
Player version, but I did not expect it to impact my apps because I 
do not use cross-domain calls, do not use custom HTTP headers, and 
do not use sockets. The web service calls are functioning, but the 
UI components are not functioning with Flex3 but are functioning 
with Flex2.

Has anybody seen a similar issue with the new player version? Any 
suggestions for resolving or finding the root cause?

Thank you,

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