Hey everyone,

I finally got around to joining the group. I figured it's cool to be 
fashionably late. Now, to sit back and watch my inbox fill up...

I don't know if anyone made it over to my blog yesterday, but I posted a demo 
library of some of the animation features that we're working on for the next 
version of Flex. I specifically carved it out from Flex and made a pure AS3 
library (10k), just to make it easier for people to try out.

What I'm really after here is input on what you think, whether you think 
anything is missing, and whether you have any problems with it. So please check 
it out if you're animation-inclined, and comment on the blog to let me know 
(responses here are fine too, although the discussion is then limited to just 


(ps: in case you need the context, I joined Adobe and the SDK group in January, 
and am focused on effects for most of this release)

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