Hi All, 

I have a problem reading a sequence of 5 xml files (test1.xml, 
test2.xml etc.) in my flex unit test... I need to read these files 
and validate info in each of them... Looks like this conflicts with 
using addAsync() calls. 
I have the following code in my test class:
            public function testResults():void
                        var vcc:HTTPService;

                        for ( var i:int = 1; i <= 5 i++)

                                    vcc = new HTTPService();
                                    vcc.url = "test" + i + ".xml";
                                    vcc.resultFormat = "text";
(ResultEvent.RESULT, addAsync(handler,1500), false,0,true);

            public function handler(e:ResultEvent):void
                        var resp:String = e.result.toString();
                        var fileName = e.currentTarget.url;
                        Alert.show(resp + " " + fileName);

                        . . .
                        . . . 



Even though I loop in the testResults test function, it looks like I 
get the handler for the same vcc (HTTPService) to fire, i.o. my 
Alert stmt fires 5 times, but the resp and fileName values are the 
same each time (for test1.xml)

Any idea of how to iterate through all xml file names/file contents?

Thank you,



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