hello all.. thx for all the help so far, but since im a noob at flex
and such i ll be making lots of posts lol..

anyway, on my app, in the module i make a some requests to the .net
via remoteobject using the fluorine components..

it works without problems.. i have the class User both in flex and
.net, in flex i am using the [RemoteClass(alias etc.. this class User
im sending via remote to .net 

okey here is the thing.. the when the user load the module the first
time, and send the class User, the .NET method receives it and knows
that its a class User.. okey... 

but when the user unload the module (no memory leak, the module
instance are 0 in the profiler) and then load it again, when it sends
the class User to .net, .net now do not know what that is any more..

in .net the parameter that 1st was a class user, this time is a
ASObject, with keys corresponding the the properties..

since i had to deliver this project today i just did a ugly hack to
manually convert the asobject to the correspoding User class..

but my question is.. why in the 1st time .net understand that the
parameter is a User class and the second time it doesnt ??

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