Hi Folks,

I am having problems building my project that is divided into separate
modules. Compilation errors are not always reported. My main
application is just a module loader and I think that the compiler does
not 'always' detect changes in files/classes referenced in modules.
What happens is that my compile completes without errors but some(ones
with errors) of my modules are not compiled to a swf. I only detect
this when I run the application and see some of my modules are blank
or even worse the test runs with an old module and I am not even
executing latest code usualy discovered when a break point is never
reached... I then have to add an empty space in each of my module main
files to get them to recompile and get the error. I am using
FlexBuilder-Eclipse to build my projects.

This is obvously bothersome especially that last night I broke the
nightly build and had to buy donuts today ;-(. Last night I built,
deployed, tested and committed. If I had of done a clean build I would
have caught it...

Is there anyway to have fix with with compilier/module setting?

Any help much appreciated.


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