Hello all,

Ijust downloaded the latest flex3 because I wanted to take my
existingflex2 project and port it as an AIR application. However when I
importmy current project into flex 3 using the flex2.0.1 hotfix3
compiler.When the project was loaded I get the following problem

Channel definition mx.messaging.RTMPChannel, can not be found

I went in to the WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml and found

         <channel-definition id="my-rtmp"
             <endpoint uri="rtmp://{server.name}:9999"
                 <!-- for deployment on WebSphere, must be mapped to a
WorkManager available in the web application's jndi context.

Forthis project we are using BEA Weblogic, and we have been doing
buildsfor over a year now with out issues. Any ideas what is causing
theproblem. We program the app on our PC, build to a C:\\temp\ directory
then copy the swf to the deployment folder of our java repository. We
then commit the swf and updated files, and once commited we do a build
on the server and do testing on a central UI server.

in the project we us  the following server properties

Root URL: https://localhost:7002/flex

Context root: /flex

what do I need to do to get the project running inflex 3?

Thank you your time


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