
We have an application which allows drag and drop between multiple 
trees and lists.

Here are the steps I follow to refresh on drag and drop:
1. Dispatch a custom event which calls server. 
2. On successful response from server I change the model which is 
data provider for the tree.
3. Then, set a flag which triggers 'invalidateDisplayList' 
and 'invalidateList' for tree (and other listeners).
4. The tree refreshes fine. But as soon as I drag and drop between 
trees again, I get this error in Tree.as:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
        at mx.controls::Tree/::updateDropData()
        at mx.controls::Tree/calculateDropIndex()
        at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/showDropFeedback()
        at mx.controls::Tree/showDropFeedback()
The behaviour is weird, sometimes the browser hangs and stops 
I am calling 'contentTree.showDropFeedback(event)' in my dragOver 
event listener which is triggering error.
My tree data provider is a custom class which has 'children' array 
collection attribute.

Any help on how to resolve this issue would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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