I created my very first Flex app the other day, and it works perfectly
in firefox... it reads an XML file for a list of images, then loads
them  into an mx:image -- I love it! 

but, sadly, it doesn't work in MSIE.  The images never get loaded.
According to the server logs, the XML file is requested, but the flex
app never comes back for the image files -- but only in IE, firefox
(and Safari too) works like a charm!

I've spent all day on this, and have gotten nowhere.  Ugh! Is there
something peculiar about the way that IE hands an XML file to the SWF

Particularly frustrating it the discovery that Flex has apparently has
cross-platform issues.  I was hoping those days were behind me.

The XML file passed W3 validation... so I don't know what to do next.



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