well i have found a wierd memory leak but this is getting to be a huge
problem for me..

suppose this app:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application creationComplete="init()"
xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute">
        import mx.controls.Alert;
        import mx.modules.Module;
        import mx.events.ModuleEvent;
        import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
        import mx.modules.IModuleInfo;
        public var info:IModuleInfo;
                public var xi:Module;
        private function init():void
           info = ModuleManager.getModule("a.swf?Versao=1.0");
           info.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modEventHandler);
        private function modEventHandler(e:ModuleEvent):void 
           xi = info.factory.create() as Module ;  
        public function remove():void
            info.removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modEventHandler);
            info = null;
        <mx:Button x="200" y="176" id="lasal" label="remove" click="remove()"/>
        <mx:TextInput x="213" y="33"/>

and the module a.mxml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Module xmlns:com="*" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
layout="absolute" width="400" height="300">
        <mx:Button x="26" y="153"/>

now my problem:

if you run this in profiler and just click at the remove button, the
instance of module a is removed without problems.. BUT
if you before click the remove button type anything into the textinput
and click the remove the instance of module a is not removed... but if
then just click the textinput and just type anything else in it (just
a space for eg) then the instance of module a is removed... wth ?

there is this bug http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-14781 that is
somehow related to this but i tried removing the focus from both the
textinput or the button but still came with the same result so......

can anyone help me here ? 


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