Posting twice, demanding source code for a solution, and telling us
you need it ASAP isn't going to do much besides piss people off. We're
not here to do your work. If you're in over your head and are going to
miss your deadline because you committed to developing with a
technology you haven't learned then this is the wrong place to look
for someone to bail you out.

Sorry for the rant, as we've been discussing on this list lately there
have been more and more questions like this. I certainly don't want to
come off as being condescending or arrogant, but saying "give me
source code, I need it now for my deadline" gets me a little riled up


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Ashwin Thota <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Can Anyone give me source code for Character limit for TextArea in Flex and
> Action Script.
> In my project I've been implementing a Text Area which should accept only
> 4000 characters.
> It should also display the status as "still how many characters left..?" in
> a Label.
> If it exceeds 4000 characters it should not print any character in that Text
> Area.
> It is highly appreciated if I get this code today ASAP.
> Regards,
> Ashwin Thota.

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