I have a set of faceless, data manipulation components, all of which
need a direct reference to one or more of the others.  They are
instanitated using mxml. All are top level, with a unique id.

Maintainability, readability, extensibility, reusability, etc are not
issues in this situation, but simplicity and efficiency is paramount.

I've found the simply binding them together is not successful because of
timing issues. For example, in the following, the "Parameter" object's
value property is just a pass through to the LEValue component.  But
when this initializes, the LEValue object is not yet instantiated when
the Parameter "set value" attempts to reference it.

  <ltle:LEValue id="Testparm_value" leParameter="{Testparm}" />
  <ltle:Parameter id="Testparm" leValue="{Testparm_value}" value="AAA"

I can make this work several ways, but since I am starting almost from
scratch (migrating a 1.5 framework), I'd like to do it "cleanly".

Any suggestions, at any level of generality, will be welcome.


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