I need to pass in data to one of my item editors for a data grid column. I
have an array of data objects that are loaded at runtime and I need to pass
that collection to item editors so they can use it as a data provider.
Here's an example of what I need to do. I'm loading a bunch of "TKImage"
objects which define a few properties like "name" and "id". I need to use
the "id" property as each individual item's data field, and apply the name
as each individual item's label field. I know it's possible to do something
like this statically at compile time with a nested <mx:dataProvider> tag and
I know it's also possible to use a static property to pass the data along,
but I'm trying to avoid those two things because my application has the need
to be dynamic, and I don't like global variables too much ;)

 What I need is for something like this to function:
<mx:DataGrid editable="true">
                       <mx:ComboBox dataProvider="{myDataProvider}"/>

And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of
for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

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