I am trying to implement Shared Object as I have before but cannot retrieve the 
SO data.

//  Declared like so......
public var adminSO:SharedObject;

//   in my doInit() function ,  assigned like so.......
adminSO = SharedObject.getLocal("siAdminSO");

I have a Model - "adminInfo" like so.......

<mx:Model id="adminInfo">

I populate the model above following a successful login and then store the same 
in a Shared Object using the AS below

public function saveUserPref():void{
        for( var o:String in adminInfo){
                        adminSO.data[o] = adminInfo[o]
                        trace(adminSO.data[o])  // returns userName as expected
                        trace(adminInfo[o])  // returns userName as expected
        var sv = adminSO.flush()
        trace(sv) // returns "flushed"

Then next time the user logs in I have this AS to retrieve the SO data which 
  [object Object]=undefined for each item in the SO

if(adminSO.size >0 && adminSO.data){
           trace(adminSO.size) // returns 59
                for each(var o:String in adminSO.data){
                                trace(o+'='+adminSO.data[o])  // returns 
[object Object]=undefined

What am I missing here ? - this same method has worked great in another 

Ben Marchbanks

::: magazooms :::
digital publishers,  taking print beyond paper......


Greenville, SC

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