Hi Guys 
I am trying to sort the dataProvider in the list which is in the form of 
XMLListCollection, I am using amfPHP for grabbing data in the form of 
XMLListCollection and for the display purpose I am using labelfunction to 
display just the friendly name of my entries which is the specific attribute 
from the XMLListCollection. I went through few tutorials online for sorting and 
came up with the following code but some how this is not working, Can any one 
please help me in figruing out whats going on here and why sorting of the list 
is not working,

<mx:RemoteObject id="amfSetup" source="Setup" destination="amfphp">      
                <mx:method name="getList" result="getListHandler(event);" 

        [Bindable] private var entriesXmlListFull:XMLList;
        [Bindable] private var entriesXmlCollection:XMLListCollection;

        public function getListHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
                entriesXmlListFull = XML(event.result).device;
        private function getListFault(event:FaultEvent):void
                Alert.Show("Error retreiving Data");

        //Displaying names need to be displayed in the List box
        private function entriesLabelFunc(item:Object):String
                var xmlItem:XML = item as XML;

                return xmlItem..attribute.(@name=="friendlyname");

        //Populating List with XML Objects
        private function populateEntries():void
                entriesXmlCollection = new XMLListCollection();                 

                for each(var item:XML in entriesXmlListFull)
                        var friendlyName:String = 
                        //Only add camera type
                        if ( !recordValue && hasFriendlyName && 
(itemType.toUpperCase() == "CAMERA") )
                //Calling Sort on XMLList collection                    
                entriesXmlCollection.sort = sortList;


        <mx:Sort id="sortList">
                    <mx:SortField name="*" caseInsensitive="true" />

        <mx:List id="listData" dataProvider="{entriesXmlCollection}" 

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